Saturday, August 16, 2008

IPv6 - Point to Point Tunneling

IPv6 - Point to Point on WIndows XP can be configured like this :
Install IPv6 Interface (do it on command prompt):
# netsh <enter>
# netsh> interface ipv6 <enter>
# netsh interface ipv6> install <enter>
Set the tunneling:

Create the tunnel interface:
netsh interface ipv6 add v6v4tunnel "Interface" <host-ipv4> <endpoint-ipv4>
Add IPv6 address:
netsh interface ipv6 add address "Interface" <tunnel-ipv6host>
Put IPv6 default route on the tunnel router:
netsh interface ipv6 add route ::/0 "Interface" <tunnel-ipv6endpoint>
Additional (it's used as anycast relay that's used for find the nearest router) :
netsh interface ipv6 6to4 set relay

For Example:
Interface : "Local Area Connection"
host IPv4 :
host IPv6 : 2001:10:10::1
endpoint IPv4 :
host IPv6 : 2001:10:10::2

Configuration will be like this :
#netsh interface ipv6 add v6v4tunnel "Local Area Connection"
#netsh interface ipv6 add address "Local Area Connection" 2001:10:10::1
#netsh interface ipv6 add route ::/0 "Local Area Connection" 2001:10:10::1
#netsh interface ipv6 6to4 set relay

You need login as root to use command below.

Create the tunnel interface:
# /sbin/ip tunnel add <interface> mode sit ttl <ttldefault> remote <endpoint-ipv4> local <host-ipv4>
Activate or up the interface:
# /sbin/ip link set dev <interface> up
Add IPv6 address :
# /sbin/ip -6 addr add <tunnel-ipv6host>/<prefix> dev <interface>
Put IPv6 default route on the tunnel router:
# /sbin/ip -6 route add <prefixtoroute> via <tunnel-ipv6endpoint> dev <interface> metric 1
For Example:
Interface : "Local Area Connection"
host IPv4 :
host IPv6 : 2001:10:10::1
endpoint IPv4 :
host IPv6 : 2001:10:10::2
Configuration will be like this :
# /sbin/ip tunnel add sit1 mode sit ttl 255 remote local
# /sbin/ip link set dev sit1 up
# /sbin/ip -6 addr add 2001:10:10::1/64 dev sit1
# /sbin/ip -6 route add 2001:10:10::/64 via 2001:10:10::2 dev sit1 metric 1

You need login as root to edit the file.
you can use any editor, such as vi, vim, pico, nano, mcedit, gedit, etc.
open file /etc/network/interfaces
# vi /etc/network/interfaces
Add configuration below
auto <interface>
iface <interface> inet6 v4tunnel
address <tunnel-ipv6host>
netmask <prefix>
endpoint <endpoint-ipv4>
local <host-ipv4>
ttl <ttldefault>
up ip link set dev <interface>
up ip -6 route add <prefixroute> via <tunnel-ipv6endpoint> dev <interface>
For Example:
auto sit0
iface sit0 inet6 v4tunnel
address 2001:10:10::1
netmask 64
ttl 255
up ip link set dev sit0
up ip -6 route add 2001:10:10::/64 via 2001:10:10::2 dev sit0

I hope this will be useful for you.
Thank you.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

DirectX 9.0c can be installed on WINE 1.x

You can install DirectX 9.0c on WINE now. You only need WINE version 1.x or newer. I got this information from the other blog. You can read the detail in

Saturday, January 26, 2008

WINDOWS Virus Scanning From LINUX OS

Virus Scanning from outside the OS or without running the OS is better than Scan it within the OS. Why? Cause, while you scan it within the OS that's possibility the virus still running at background and anti-virus can't delete it or clean it. So, it's better if you scan it from outside the OS that u want to scan.

As example, Virus Scanning Windows OS from LINUX OS. How? You can try to install anti-virus that can scan Windows library and also can be installed on LINUX OS, such as AVG anti-virus. You can download free version or buy the professional one from the website. The first step, You must know what kind of file system that you use for your Windows OS. If you use ntfs, you need to install ntfs-3g first. So, you can write or remove file on your ntfs partition from LINUX OS. It's needed while anti-virus clean the virus or delete the worm or trojan. The way to scan and clean the virus from Windows OS is simple.

1. Mount your Windows partition, for example to /mnt/windows/
2. run the avg from gui and scan it
you can run it from console by command

avgscan -clean /mnt/windows/

3. wait until the scanning process finish
4. Remember to update your anti-virus. :)

Virus that I mean is included worm and trojan horse.

I wish this will be useful for you.

Thank you...
